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Apocalypse 17


evelation 17 obviously speaks concerning the fall of great Babylon and the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters.

First of all, the apostle John opened this chapter with the following words: pit, prostitute. Revelation 19 said these judgments are true and righteous.

The wine of her fornication is the doctrine that this prostitute teaches. Desert, in the verse, is a figure of the condition of the Roman Catholic Church; this woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, the word scarlet: there are several names of various organizations bringing together these blasphemous names. Apocalypse 17:15-18; Rev 13:1; John 10:33; these seven heads and ten horns of different colors represent the Roman Catholic Church. Jeremiah 51:7; the golden cup is the word of God which she uses in her own way, and according to her own interest. In verse 5, this mystery Babylon directs the destiny of God’s people, from 538 AD to 1798 = 1260 years. Period of time that spiritual Babylon committed fornication with civil powers; and natural Babylon is called “Sovereign of kingdoms.” Now there is the head of gold Daniel 2:32 and the lion; a portrait representing Egypt, Assyria, natural Babylon, Medes and Persians, Greece, Pagan Rome, and Papal Rome; Revelation 13:1; 20:1-3.

Read this statement from the Apostle John in Revelation 17:9 “This is understanding which hath wisdom.” Jeremiah 51:24-26. The seven heads are the mountains on which the woman sits. In verse 10, there are seven kings: 5 have fallen (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Greece, Meses, and Persians), and in verse 10 one exists which is Pagan Rome. And still, in verse 10, there must be a little time left. A short time here is 1260 periods of time that the church spent in the desert. In verse 11, an eighth king, and is seven in number, and he goes to perdition (Genesis 10:10-12); the Roman Catholic Church and the Council of World churches (Rev 13:10-11; Isaiah 4:1-2) verse 11 is of the number seven (Rev 17:7). In verse 12 an hour: it is 1/24 parts of 360 which is equal to 15 years, that is to say 360/24=15 periods of time that the bestial system governs the world.

However, during this period the Body of Christ will return to order according to Revelation 8:1, verse 15 the waters represent “people of the earth”. Revelation 13:1; Jeremiah 51:42; II Chronicle 20; II Kings 9:30-37; I Corinthians 11:1-16. A portrait of the woman which is a portrait of the church.

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