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The Sabbath

Sabbath: In Hebrew this word is “Shabbat”, in Greek “Sabbatan” means to rest by ceasing to do something. But in the plural, this word is “Sabbata”. Sometimes used to designate a unique Sabbath. Furthermore, the same word is also applied to festivities almost throughout the Old Testament, but only and always in relation to the Jewish people as chosen by God and not to the Gentiles (Ephesians 2:11-22). So that the New Testament Church had worshiped and observed the first day of the week instead of the seventh day not as physical rest, as was the rule under the law of Moses, but, as a day of spiritual rest in Christ (rest of the soul) (Matthew 11:28). In fact, the term of reference to the day of rest was emphasized by two words: “rest from and worship to the Creator” (Genesis 2:2; Exodus 20:11; Deuteronomy 5:15). These two texts prove very clearly the origin of the day of rest since creation – and on the seventh day God rested from his work, this is an apparent term, because God really does not rest, like the sun which really does not rise, and which does not lie down at all. Note very carefully the term of reference that Moses used in the first chapter of Genesis 1:31 in these words: “It was the sixth day” which has no relation to the 24-hour day, but it is days of a thousand years or dispensations (God’s measure of time) (2 Peter 3:8; Psalm 90:1-2). In Colossians 2:16, Paul stated the passing of the natural Sabbath to a spiritual Sabbath, a spiritual rest of the soul of man in Christ (i.e. a day of spiritual rest). According to Hebrews 4, this is the incorporation (making part) of the Sabbath which was based on the rest of God at the time of creation, and on the release of Israel from Egypt. We cannot and will not be able to talk about the Sabbath without having cited the Sabbatical weeks in the Bible, because there are 3 types.

The Hebrew people left it like this:

  1. Weeks of days
  2. Weeks of years
  3. Weeks of seven times seven.

In the beginning “time” was divided into weeks, and each week consisted of 6 days of work, and one day of physical rest, for sanctification. In other words, one must rest in order to restore the physical body, so that one can start working again on the first day. Shortly after the resurrection, the disciples began to gather together on the first day of the week for the breaking of bread and worship. “We will be talking a lot more about this statement before this study is completed…” Sabbatical Weeks (Gen 2:2-3; Gen 7:10; Gen 8:10-12; Gen 29:28) or 7 more years. Other references in relation to this division of days subsequently became a little more frequent. (Ex 34:22; Lev 12:5; Numb 28:26; Deter 16:16; 2 Chron 8:13; Jere 5:24; Dan 9:24-27; Dan 10:2-3). This division of weeks occurs among all nations. Weeks of days: They began from one Sabbath to the next, weekly or every week. Weeks of the years: They started from one sabbatical year to the other sabbatical year which contained 7 weeks. And finally the weeks of the times seven times (7*7): they began from one jubilee to the next (Lev 25:18; Gen 29:27; Dan 9: 27; Matt 28:1; Mk 16:2- 9; Luke 24:1; John 20:1-19; Luke 18:13; Act 20:7; 1 Cor 16:2; Lev 12:5; Numb 28:26; Jer 5:24). The history of the Sabbath according to Hebrew tradition, the Sabbath was observed by the Jews one day out of each week, which some considered to be the famous Saturday. But since when is the seventh day considered Saturday? We don’t really know, but what we do know according to the holy scriptures, the disciples after the resurrection of Jesus gathered on the first day of the week for prayer and worship too. Initially, the Christians of the New Testament observed both for a very long period, i.e. the first day and the seventh day. However, the Gentile Christians did not observe the seventh, they only celebrated the first day. (1 Corinthians 16:1), for it was the day of the descent of the Holy Spirit, and it was the great day of the Feast of Tabernacles or Convocation. This festival was celebrated from the 15th to the 22nd of the seventh month, Tisri or Ethanim (October) as thanksgiving for the harvest (John 7:37; Lev 23:34-35-39). And soon after the celebration of the seventh day by the Christians, everything was completely abandoned, because the observance of the Sabbath became a burden, and no one could observe it without having violated it. According to the established rule, a long Sabbath path was not permitted according to the tradition of the ancients, a short walking distance was permitted approximately 1 ½ thousand or 2 km or 2000 cubits. The word Sabbath is often used in connection with the rest of the fields; these rules were prescribed by the Pentateuch (Ex 16:23-25, 29:32-39, 24:8; Numb 28:10; 2 Kings 16:18; Isa 58:13, Am 8:5; Matt 28:1; Mark 2:27-28; Luke 6:5; Luke 13:10-15). In Luke 23:54, this day of preparation was on Wednesday, preparation for the great Sabbath of Thursday, for during the week of Jesus’ death there were two Sabbaths in that week, Thursday and Saturday, and two days of preparation, Wednesday. As the day of preparation, for the Sabbath of Thursday, and Friday for the day of preparation for the Sabbath of Saturday. (Luke 23:54; John 5:18; Act 13:42; Act 16:13; Act 18:4. In Acts 18 verse 4, Paul was speaking in the synagogue every Sabbath, and he was persuading Jews and Greeks; The Jews then being in opposition, however, the named Justus and Crispus both ran to the lord by abandoning the Sabbath (i.e. Saturday).

In Leviticus 23:15 this mention of day does not refer to the 24-hour day, but rather to the day of a thousand years according to 2 Peter 3:8, the 7 weeks of years or 49,000 years until the time when the Lord will deliver up his kingdom to Israel and to the 12 tribes of the sons of Jacob (Revelation 7). God placed great emphasis on “my Sabbaths” so that only a fool would understand the term Sabbath or someone who strives for the kingdoms of the quadrupeds. Finally, there are also people or those who believe themselves to be educated, but who are guided by their instincts. However, there are also men of vision who can discern the mind of God (1 Corinthians 11:27). Following the history of the Jewish people, very often, references had been made only in relation to the Jewish people, so that a day of rest was, therefore, necessary to maintain the body in good health, before starting to work again. first day; while for us Gentile Christians it can only apply in the spiritual sense. In Exodus 20 when the Decalogue was given to Moses on Mount Sinai, the people were solemnly charged (the Hebrews) to observe the day of rest as A distance of 2000 cubits, according to Jewish tradition is allowed to walk. (Act 1:12; Ex 16:29; Numb 35:5; Jos 3:4) Behold, God provided food for two days. Let each of you remain where he is, and let no one leave his place on the Seventh day; This means that God gave 6,000 years to the Gentile nations as the government of the world. But on the Seventh day, During the millennium the supremacy of all things will be in the hands of the children of Israel; the supremacy of God both at the spiritual and natural level (Rev 7; Ezek 37; Hos 6:1-2). This will be the last divine call to the Jewish people (Mat 22:3) for their redemption to God (Jean 3:6) and their return to God (Jean 14:1) like a rod of iron (Rev 7; Rev 20); God said to the children of Israel: “Do not come near her” Joshua 3:4.” Gap Years During the sabbatical year, the rule of surrender must be observed every Seventh year during which the land, according to Mosaic law, was to remain uncultivated (Lev 25:2; 2-7). You will not harvest what comes from the grains that have fallen in your house, and you will not harvest the grapes from the unpruned vine and everything that has sprouted from the earth or from your field will belong to the temporary residents who stay with you. Deuteronomy 15:11. Finally, we hope that this section of study despite everything is not really complete, but it can help you understand that the Bible is not an easy book to discern, taking into account various phenomena such as linguistic phenomena or science of language and languages, the geographical phenomenon, in short, the symbolic or philosophical phenomenon, So, this is why the Ethiopian who was reading the prophet of Isaiah replied to Philip: “how could I if someone ‘can no one guide me?’ And he invited Philip to come up and sit with him. (Acts 8:26-40). Those who keep the natural Sabbath cannot understand that the Bible does not say what it means, but it means what it says. May the Lord give you the spirit of discernment, so that you understand that the word day really does not mean the day of 24 hours, but rather the day of a thousand years. Your stupid philosopher and bastard that you are, rather be wise men (2 Tim 3:7; Eccl 7:19; 2 Tim 3:10-17; 4:1-5).

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Comprehension Sheet of Pastor Germelus N Gracius.

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